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  • Car PCM Lifetime Warranty
  •  Up To 80 Percent Off Car Computers
  • PCM Car Computer Same Day Shipping

Ford ECM

In the market for a Ford pcm, then your on the right page. Solo Auto Electronics rebuild/remanufactures Ford pcm computers for Ford Bronco pcm, Crown Victoria pcm, Ford Explorer pcm, Ford Focus pcm, Ford Taurus pcm and a few other models.

Ford ECM

We rebuild used pcm that use the latest software/firmware from Ford. Our shipping process is turnkey; we send you a pcm and you send yours back to us. Our auto computers are about half the price of most dealers and local part suppliers. We understand quality and trust, as a result, we give a standard warranty on our craftsmanship. Below you can sort through our inventory, if you don't see your year or make, call our 800 line and speak with a consultant about getting one for your year and model.

Solo PCMS is a national provider and repair center for PCM, ECM, ECU, TCM, and TCU auto computers.
14361 SW 120th Street Unit 106
Miami, FL, 33186, United States

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